The Brambles

Housing Cooperative

Building Maintenance Committee

Preparing for a new member.

We love our pipes
Maintaining the building is a big job! Luckily, here at the Brambles the Building Maintenance Committee is helped and supported by all the other Brambles committees and by a network of time-tested professional tradespeople and services in Burnaby.
The Building Maintenance Committee
Composed of 5-7 volunteers from the Brambles membership, the Building Maintenance Committee has a number of responsibilities and functions that ensure the comfort, security, safety and general well-being of the members of our co-op.
1. In concert with The Brambles Finance Committee and Board of Directors, the Building Maintenance Committee drafts the annual capital and operating budgets and monitors their expenses.
2. The Committee develops and implements a long-term Maintenance Plan.
3. The Committee develops and implements plans that respond to maintenance emergencies, annual preventative and routine maintenance tasks and procedures for move-in move-out inspections and renovations.
4. The Commitee coordinates and supervises volunteer work parties as well as tendered contracts and service agreements for specialized trades work.